Thienpont Wine Walk

Le dimanche 22 septembre, vous pourrez
déguster de savoureux vins tout en vous
promenant dans le magnifique paysage
vallonné des Ardennes flamandes. 
5 ~ 10 km

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Thienpont Wine

Hof te Cattebeke
Bossenaar 14, 9680 Etikhove,
T: +32 55 31 17 59 |
F: +32 55 31 09 66

Industriepark De Bruwaan 45B, 9700 Oudenaarde,
T: +32 55 61 22 65

E: jotie

BE 0426.442.979

Heures d 'ouverture

lu - je 08.30 - 17.00
ve 08.30 - 16.30
sa - di fermé

Vin du mois
  1. 0.75l
    Les Cassagnes de la Nerthe (BIO)
    Côtes du Rhône Villages
    0.75l Blanc
    16,50 € 13,64 €
    Un nez très ouvert et attirant à l’attaque avec des arômes de poivre blanc, de feuilles de laurier, de fruits doux presque tropicaux et une belle herbacité associée à la campagne sauvage de la Provence. Un assemblage issu de l’agriculture biologique de Viognier, le Grenache Blanc et Roussanne créent un vin assez riche et fascinant où les fruits et les herbes se marient bien pour donner un vin blanc persistant et vif; se déguste parfaitement avec le poisson grillé, les plats végétariens et les salades gastronomiques.

Inspiration de vins

Mon amie Jancis Robinson M.W., auteur extraordinaire spécialisé dans le vin, répond aux questions les plus fréquemment posées sur le vin.

Plus d'info

Découvrez des vins au meilleur rapport qualité/prix dans le monde du vin.

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Vins Proposés
Wine news
  • VCC 100 tasting
    When Jacques announced that he wanted to organise a vertical tasting of Vieux Château Certan in our family home at Hof te Cattebeke, we realized that this would be an historic event. Many of the wines until the 1960s had been transported to Etikhove in barrel by rail and bottled in our cellars and had not moved since then so the provenance was impeccable. With time and research, and a little help from family and friends, we managed to assemble 58 vintages and we invited a small group of international journalists to join us as we opened the wines over a two-day period.
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  • The age of modern Burgundy
    The 2022 vintage seems to have truly marked the coming of age of modern Burgundy. There is a sense of turning the page, of embracing organic and regenerative viticulture, of the transmission between generations and an optimism that growers can overcome whatever climate change throws their way.
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  • Regenerating Our Vineyards
    Following a series of difficult vintages, mainly provoked by the challenges of climate change - drought, frost, mildew, heatwaves, hail - to cite just a few examples, you may have noticed how different many vineyards look today compared to the tightly manicured rows of a decade ago. Today wine growers are questioning the traditional way of safeguarding the health of their vines that used synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides to grow grapes.
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